Best Mugen Character Site

Ive been playing Mugen for a while, my mugen has about 50 characters, BUT whenever I want to play survival mode I only get to fight like 20 characters, then the pc keeps choosing the same 20 characters over and over again. Does anybody know why some characters are showing up in survival mode and others dont? Any way to fix this?

  1. Download for CRACKER VOLLEY: Song used: -.
  2. The best thing you can do for Mugen characters is go on and search for ' (Character Name) Mugen' then scroll down to 'All Files'. A lot of communities upload them there and thats where you can find almost every single character, screenpack and stage.
  3. Except to this sites mugen nation mugen jet. Hey if u want a site with good mugen characters then im lettin u know i made ma own its a internet storage website ive got characters there such as:DarkStorm,DSakuraverDX,God kyo,mechgouki,megaweapon,Riot-Ryu,seanDG,Aragon.

Welcome page

Welcome to my website of nothingness! Only here you can find my newest (and, probably, my best) creations here.
Not related to MUGEN, but my Discord server has been reopened since its private days after the hate account raid.
Sonic that was made for Sonic vs Pokemon has been finally finished and finally released.
Hoo, boy. Looks like I'm working on another Sonic vs Pokemon update. Sorry for a very big delay.
Pichu that I made for SvP has been released (though it's actually an edit of my SvP Pikachu). Unlike my other SvP fighters, Pichu has a Oshawott-esque smartpal (head and arms share colors, but rest of body is color separated).
Why not to go to SvP Characters page and download him now?
gabe2006's older version of PokePark 2 + Anime soundpack for MvC1 Emolga has been rehosted. The reason why I did that is because the soundpack on GameBanana was updated with higher-pitched sound from PP2 and Pokken Tournament sound which was used in MvC1 Emolga's default soundpack were thrown into mix, which is why I don't like using newest version of PP2+Anime soundpack.
TFGAF-style Original SMW Luigi I made back in 2019 but never released until now has been finally released.
New stage released: Super Mario Maker 2 - Forest (SMB1). Available now in 'Stages' page.
MvC1 Petunia is now a new WIP and she is having her own page at MvC Guest Characters page.
Roblox Speed Run 4's Level 24 stage has been reuploaded to MEGA. No changes were made to that stage except changing music to correct one (since prior to music update in Roblox SR4 it used Drop Mix of Kevin Macleod's Go Cart, not the original)
MvC2 Emolga has been updated, and a new stage (Nintendo DS) has been released. The Nintendo DS stage was actually rendered in Zmodeler 2.2.6, and it's my last MUGEN creation of 2019.
Hey, guys! I made a special page dedicated to my old characters that you never should add to your roster. Those characters from circa 2014-2016. Characters from 2014-2015 have stolen codes or are even actually spriteswaps before I learned out to code very properly, while some characters from 2016 are either buggy or something like this. The first four that made into this page were my three Super Smash Bros-like characters (Mario, Pikachu and Young Link) and one cringy one. All of those old characters re-released in 2019 won't get any changes (if character has no own portrait (and instead uses portrait from base character), the portrait will be replaced with correct one), and the page itself is for my old character collection purposes only.
18.12.2019 (UTC) - 19.20.2019 (MSK):
After 2 months and a few days of lack of newest updates, I decided to release 6 new stages. They are:
  • 4 stages from GBA version of Street Racing Syndicate (Car Showroom, City Circular, Freeway Short, Mulholland Drive)
  • 1 stage from Super Mario All-Stars (Super Mario Bros 1 Overworld)
  • 1 stage from Vurse's ROBLOX Speed Run 4 (Level 15 (Normal Dimension))

MvC2 Emolga is updated again.

Wow, around(?) 2 months I never worked on my site. No new releases nor new updates here, but MvC2 Togedemaru is revealed to be as my new WIP (will work on her if I finish other four 'mon that I'm working)!
'External Links' page was completely changed to 'About Me' page (no worry, links are still in this page), and the 'My Creations' page also got a change (also removed links that led to old site cuz my old Weebly-based site is down now)
Unfortunately, MvC1 Leafeon has been completely scrapped due to following reasons:
  1. I was moving from MvC1 Pokemon with JoshR's and Nintendo DS games' sprites to MvC2 Pokemon with my own sprites
  2. I lost interest on working on Leafeon for MUGEN, unfortunately (Press F to pay respects).
Unfinished files of MvC1 Leafeon will be released soon as possible. (Nevermind, those unfinished files of it are released if you want to continue my scrapped work)
Since it's my birthday, I updated my MvC2 Emolga yet again up to version 1.0.1.
StarPlatnum4658's (formerly Pizzasause) old SBME spriteswaps from 2015 are back! Check 'Hosted Creations' page.
A (very) small update of SvP Riolu has been released. Check 'SvP Characters' page, where I also edited roster for base and pro versions.
Changed Stages page's look, now stages are separated by games. Plus, I released Roblox Speed Run 4 Stages (Normal versions of Level 16 and Level 24 are my stages from 2018, Level 23 is my recent stage from SR4 and Moon version of Level 16 is an unreleased stage that is now in public)
Started on small modification to my pages, as they will now have (probably) more detailed information.
The first pages of new character select format were my MvC2 Emolga (she's not updated yet at this moment, but she is first to get her own page), MvC2 Minccino and MvC2 Ribombee (both of them were not yet released), I'll make more character pages later.
'Edits' page was removed in favour of new formatting of my MUGEN characters and stages pages.
Also, Super Smash Bros Ultimate Soundpack for PichuMario650's Pichu was released.
Pikachu, Jigglypuff and Emolga from Sonic vs Pokemon game are updated. Pikachu and Jigglypuff have their victory quotes changed since Solarflared/Dylanius9000 caught me for stealing victory quotes from his characters, while Emolga now can do some specials in air!
MvC2 Emolga has been updated again up to version 1.0.

Reformatted Hosted Creations page.

SSB4 Soundpack for Dylanius9000/Solarflared's KOF Chespin has been released.
Since vo-jk's Paqi has been updated to make it more cheap (teleports after getting hit), I added anti-cheap patch so it won't teleport after getting hit. The soundpack has been also updated.
Actual voice for vo-jk's Pachirisu (paqi) has been released.
I had to release Marine the Raccoon early. Why? Because I lost interest on her, so I cancelled my own version of Marine the Raccoon. She looks very unfinished (no specials, but she has 1 super), though, but you can finish her by yourself.
Also, 'Work in Progress' page has been removed, because, you know, all WIPs are in corresponding characters category pages (for example, if I'm working on MvC character, this WIP will be seen in MvC Guest Characters page)
SSB4 Soundpack form Tanicfan22's Custom/SSBM Luigi has been released.
Added 'Sonic vs Pokemon' page, and SvP Characters page has been moved. Also I scaled down stage previews.
Piplup (SvP version) is now has actual voice instead of classic cry.
Also renamed 'Palettes' to 'Palettes & Addons' which now will contain not only palettes, but also some other minor things such as sound packs.

A minor update of my MvC2 Emolga. Catch her here.
Just a release of beta version of Zobbes-esque MvC2 Emolga. Well, you can catch her at the same page where you download my MvC1 Pokemon.
Someone told me to leak Windows Longhorn Build 4015 as MUGEN stage. Well, I did. Splendid!
Another update of my MvC Emolga. Grab it at 'MvC Guest Characters' page.
I've finally made Discord server! Check this out:
MvC version of Emolga has been updated (again). Catch it at 'MvC Guest Characters' page!
MvC version of Emolga has been updated. Now it has Discharge as a level 3 super. Catch it at 'MvC Guest Characters' page!
SvP version of Emolga has been released. Catch it at 'SvP Characters' page!
MvC Pachirisu has been released + minor update of my MvC Emolga. Catch 'em at 'MvC Guest Characters' page!
Happy April Fools! The 'All we had to do was follow the damn train, CJ!' stage has been released! Grab this at 'Stages' page!
Added 'Joke Characters' page along with Ridge Racer '11 punching bag.
27.03.2018 - 28.03.2018:
'MvC Guest Characters' page has been added along with release of MvC version of Emolga. Grab your Pokeballs and catch it (Emolga) at aforementioned page.
Jigglypuff has been released! Grab it in 'SvP Characters' page!
'SvP Characters' page has been reformatted for easier navigation.
Tails.exe has been updated! You can get him at 'My Creations' > 'Characters' > '.exe Characters' page!
Cream.exe has been updated too! You can also get her at 'My Creations' > 'Characters' > '.exe Characters' page!
Beta version of Mario.exe is now available for download. You can get him at 'My Creations' > 'Characters' > '.exe Characters' page!
All my beta released .exe Characters are now moved from 'Work in Progress' to 'My Creations' > 'Characters' > '.exe Characters' page.
Beta version of Tails.exe is now available for download. You can get him at 'Work in Progress' page!
Cream.exe has been updated. You can also get her at 'Work in Progress' page!
A new stage (Bowser's Castle) is now available. Check out 'My Creations' > 'Stages' page!
A: If you are downloading a character, click on character portrait (old formatted pages have character sprite instead), if stage, click on screenshot (or stage preview)
Q: Can I edit your character?

Q: Can you do or edit [insert character name here]?
A: Nope, I don't accept character creation request because I have no interest to that or something else.
Q: Do you have YouTube channel?

A: Now you can't, because I recently checked the site via Tor (I tried to do that with Yandex Browser, but it refuses to load), and it died.
Q: Why your YouTube avatar is Emolga?
A: Because Emolga is one of my favorite Pokemon (the others are Eevee, Azumarill, Mudkip, Pichu, Pikachu and Jigglypuff)
Q: Do you have GameBanana profile?
A: Of course. I upload my MUGEN and Need for Speed stuff here.

Best Mugen Character Site Maker

Best Mugen Character Site

Best Mugen Character Site

Best Mugen Character SiteBestBest mugen character site freeCharacter

Best Mugen Character Downloads


All characters (Except Monday) have 3 versions: Normal, Stronger (1.0 only), and Easy.
Look for the AI Options of my character from the chars folder.
Example: CharacterName = Normal AI; CharacterName_10 = Stronger AI; CharacterName_Easy = No AI
I do not own any of these characters in this site. They all belong to their original owners.

Robo Bonanza
Last updated: 01/01/2016
Mobo Bonanza
Last updated: 01/01/2016


Last updated: 01/01/2016



Last updated: 01/01/2016

Wild Woody
Updating soon!
Last updated: 11/12/2016


Last updated: 08/05/2015

Updating soon!
Last updated: 10/30/2016

Dynamite Headdy
Last updated: 11/12/2016

Last updated: 08/16/2016


Last updated: 01/14/2016

Sonic Mania

Last updated: 02/16/2019

Last updated: 07/09/2020


Natural Nintendo

Updating soon!

Last updated: 02/06/2016

Last updated: 07/11/2017
Cute Heroines

Last updated: 08/22/2018
(Magical Pop'n)
Updating soon!
Last updated: 04/24/2016

Last updated: 01/10/2018

Awesome Arcades

Last updated: 04/24/2016


Last updated: 12/02/2015



(RoySquadRocks & Fist Dracon)
Shovel Knight

Commander Keen
Last updated: 01/31/2019

Atari Dragon
Last updated: 08/20/2016

Last updated: 06/25/2015

Delightful Disney
Wreck-It Ralph

Last updated: 02/21/2019

Crazy Cartoons

Last updated: 02/28/2016
Family Dog
Last updated: 02/28/2016
Last updated: 10/10/2016
Rad Mascots
Last updated: 08/05/2015

The Noid
Last updated: 02/07/2018

Last updated: 04/14/2014
Broken Sonic


W.I.P Characters
Current W.I.P

Rami Nanajiraki

Fred the Spanyard
(Neglected Mario Characters)